08 Aug Using Collateral to Help Secure Bail
Bail is a funny thing. In some situations, bail is nothing more than a signature on a piece of paper. In other cases, a judge sets a bail that is six figures, way more than you can ever hope to pay.
Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield is a local bail bonds business that has the resources needed to cover your bail when you simply can’t afford to. All we ask is that you pay us 10%, which we keep. Once you’ve come up with 10% of the bail, we pay the additional 90% and you’re released from jail. When your case reaches its conclusion, we get to keep the 10% you paid.
Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield is a family-owned bail bonds company. We’ve worked hard to hone a reputation for providing discrete and fair services for each of our clients. We understand that a one size fits all approach to bail doesn’t work. You are a unique person with unique needs. Our desire to help as many people as possible cover their bail prompted us to create flexible bail bonds plans. Our program includes:
• No hidden fees
• 0% Interest payment plans
• No collateral with a working signer
The problem some people run into when they’re trying to cover bail is that they lack the credit history of financial means to meet our needs. That doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. It just means we have to work even harder to come up with a plan that works for both you and us. In many cases, that means you providing some sort of collateral.
The point of collateral is that it provides us with a little security. If you default on your bail bonds payments or if you fail to appear in court and forfeit your bail, we get to keep whatever you signed over as collateral.
Items people use as collateral when they sign a bail contract includes:
• Vehicles
• Electronic equipment
• Guns
• Jewelry
To use something as collateral, you have to prove both its value and that you own the item. We can’t accept anything that you’re still paying for, such as a mortgaged house. Once the case has made it through the court system and the court returns our money, we return the item to you.
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