02 Dec Don’t Let Road Rage Ruin Your Holiday
The holidays are upon us, and for many people, it is a time of cheer and joy. Unfortunately, those feelings don’t seem to follow us onto the road. Road rage actually seems to be more common during the holidays. This is typically due to the large uptick in drivers shopping around stores or traveling to visit family. More drivers equals more traffic, which inevitably leads to road rage.
If a person is looking to have a calm and relaxing drive this holiday season, then they need to learn to avoid road rage. Luckily, there are a few things that a driver can do to try and help themselves avoid road rage.
• Another simple method is to plan accordingly when driving during the holidays. A driver should account for the extra traffic and give him or herself extra time to get wherever it is they are going. This can help alleviate any possible time crunch, thereby reducing stress that could cause road rage.
• An often overlooked idea is to choose the right music while driving. Music can drastically affect a person and their emotions. Listening to fast paced music can make a person more energized and aggressive. Experts recommend listening to slower melodies while driving in order to help a driver stay calm.
• Lastly, a driver just needs to stay calm. People often make mistakes, especially while driving. Getting mad at other drivers can only make things worse. It is better for everyone to just take a few breaths and stay calm.
The holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness and family, don’t let a few grumpy drivers ruin that. Instead, remember to stay calm and follow the tips above to help avoid any additional road rage this holiday season.
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