Get Discounted Bail Bonds in California

Get Discounted Bail Bonds in California

Money is tight. The cost of living has already skyrocketed and the inflation shows no sign of stopping any time soon. If you’re like most people, you’re already struggling to make ends meet and stay on top of your bills. Even if you were able to scrape the money together, you’d be unable to meet your financial obligations.

A perfect example of how posting bail yourself can lead to financial struggles is using the money you’ve set aside to cover six months of car insurance to post the bail. This is great. It gets you out of jail, but when your car insurance bill arrives, you’re unable to afford it, forcing you to cancel your policy. Now you have to come up with another way to get to both work and your court appointments. This simply financial jam creates a great deal of mental stress, which makes it difficult for you to really focus on the details of your court case.

Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield understands exactly what you’re going through. We want to help.

The first thing you should know is that going to Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield is considerably more affordable than trying to cover the bail yourself. If you handle things on your own, the court requires that you pay the entire amount. Depending on the charges, that can be a hefty amount. The good news is that once the case is resolved, you will get the bail money back. The bad news is that it could take months for the case to reach its resolution. Can you really afford to be without that money for that length of time?

Rather than paying the entire amount of the bail, you can turn to Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield. We only charge you 10% of the required bail amount. No, you won’t get the 10% back, that’s our fee, but at least you have the remaining 90% at your immediate disposal.

We understand that even 10% can seem like a lot of money, especially if you need a large bail bond. We’ve tried to help make the fee a bit more manageable. One of the ways we’ve done this is by creating a 20% discount.

First, not everyone is going to qualify for the discount. As much as we’d like to, we simply can’t offer it to each of our clients. The clients who are eligible for the 20% discounted bail bond fee include:

• Those who have hired a private defense attorney
• Members of the American military
• AARP members

Getting the bail bond discount from Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield is a piece of cake. All you have to do is show us proof that you’re a member of the military/AARP or are using a private attorney. Once you’ve done that, we’ll do the rest. Shortly after you’ve filled out the contract and we’ve accepted your payment, we’ll deliver the bail bonds check to the courthouse and you’ll be released from jail.

You won’t believe how easy we’ve made the entire process.

Want to learn more about Happy’s Bail Bonds in Bakersfield and our discounted bail bond? We’re available to answer your questions 24/7. Simply call 951-693-3311 or click the Chat With Us now link.